A Vision of a Church for the 21st Century
In many ways the Church of Jesus Christ, throughout the world, is outdated and stuck in well worn ruts, happy doing things the way they've always been done, for decades or even centuries. In this age of high-tech multi-media technology, it's about time the Church caught up with the rest of society. This article describes a vision for a new kind of church which both challenges old ways of doing things, and takes on board many of the new things which the Holy Spirit is doing in churches throughout the world today.
Angels Watching Over Me
In 1997 I had a vision of angelic protection. No, I wasn't drunk! Neither was I high on drugs. No, I knocked myself unconscious on a BMX cycle track. Just before I passed out I had a remarkable vision of supernatural protection. The vision was clear, plain and simple, and left me with the conviction that God, through His angels, is always watching my back.
A Cold Coming We Had Of It...
On Christmas day, 2010, a friend of mine died. These thoughts were penned as I contemplated T.S. Elliot's famous poem, and thought about the deeper significance of birth, death and everything in between.
God's Blog - Something Else to Ignore?
The Bible is the story of Mankind's evolving relationship with God. So what, you might say? So this ... unless you understand the changing nature of that relationship, and where we have reached now, you'll never appreciate what God has to offer you today.
The Killing Fields
Kaing Guek Eav was the head of the 'special branch' of the Khmer Rouge. As a prison commander he oversaw the torture and death of thousands. Yet in the mid 90s his life turned completely around.
It's Good to Talk
An article about breaking free from dysfunctional cultural and family taboos. Change is not easy. It is a fierce battle. It can be difficult and discouraging. But it's the only way ahead.
Immature Theology in the Church
The Church of Jesus Christ is rife with immature theology. These faulty, and sometimes insane ways of seeing the world, not only give Christianity a bad name, but do serious harm to individuals and groups. This article looks at two of these false theologies. I hope it will help you to become wiser in your own thinking about God, and the things of God.
In the World of the Gods
A science fiction story with a difference. A new look into cosmic realities. An attempt to boldly go where you've probably never been before. A new take on an old story which, I hope, will help you see it in a new light, and awaken, or re-awaken, your desire to know the One who knows all things.
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